Sunday, January 23, 2011


Another great day of skiing.  I have switched to telemark skiing at the local hill and have been rewarded for my efforts with a bruised butt and slightly sprained wrist.  You might notice that the above picture is not of telemark skis, either but I have been experiencing technical difficulties on my blog and am feeling darn lucky to have a picture of any winter apparatus at all.  My son seems to be more proficient than I am in problem-solving and tonight googled "how to import pictures from the Iphone" while I was pouting.  His way led to a solution while my way made me look his age. Go figure.                                                                            

Anyway, after falling, I spent a good portion of time thinking about falling....falling on a slope, falling in love, falling down, falling to pieces, falling asleep, and falling through space in a recurring dream I have, a recurring dream we all have.  I had a little epiphany as I was trying to get up; I'm glad I am still falling.  Where can I fall more?  I fell into a new job and that has bruised me up a bit but I'm learning something new in my field for the first time in a long time.  Parenting is freefall and marriage is about falling into each other whenever you are brave enough.  Falling seems to be an OK thing to aspire to.

As an aside, I own 4 helmets upon my neurologists' insistence, after 5 closed head injuries.  Just saying.

1 comment:

  1. Love this!

    And I'm guessing you weren't wearing your helmet.
