Monday, August 3, 2009

There we go....

Over the years at flea markets, antique stores, and galleries I have developed my discerning eye for the most nuanced pieces the venues have to offer. My friends say that I have an uncanny ability to pick out the most depressing pieces they have ever seen. I continue to strongly protest but as I look around the house at the artwork, I do see strong shades of blue and black and a lot of dead vegetation.
This piece is my latest purchase (Brimfield, see a previous post about the joys of this place) and it gives me such hope. I was walking with a friend and saw this painting. I immediately saw my husband and I in 30 years. Granted, I am quite a bit taller than he is and I will definitely be the one with the cane...also, our chances of owning a Swiss Chalet are looking slimmer as the years pass. Still, it is us. My friend tried to be optimistic about the purchase but the dead tree seemed to give her pause. She then asked what my husband would think of it. I said that he would think that it was a typical purchase for me. But when I got it home, he looked at it and said, "That's us."
Now, the question remains is my husband a lover of art who saw what I saw or a man who knows his wife so well that he could predict what she would hardly matters, because that is us.

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