Thursday, January 21, 2010


Hard to pick one favorite moment from work today....clients headed to DYS lock-up, getting lectured on the intersection of executive functioning deficits and ADHD, being told I must be depressed because some of my students are failing in school. Still, as I drive home down a busy highway, I think how blessed I am. Blessed to be trusted by the most resilient and hardy kids I have ever had the privilege of knowing. Blessed to have the opportunity to travel outside my class, race, and gender and learn a thing or two. Blessed to come home to my kids who are so excited because their teachers let them sled and do snow dances during a quintessential New England recess.

Now, I'm headed out to make art with a group of friends while my husband listens soberly to the story of a sledding injury and gently cleans the wound. Oh yeah, I'm blessed.

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